Hoy traemos para nuestra sección [buril] a una artista americana nacida en 1954 Kiki Smith (American, born Germany, 1954) is among the most significant artists of her generation. Known primarily as a sculptor, she has also devoted herself to printmaking, which she considers an equally vital part of her work. The exhibition and accompanying catalogue, Kiki Smith: Prints, Books, and Things (2003), showcase the scope of Smith’s printed art and present it thematically, focusing on such topics as anatomy, self-portraiture, nature, and female iconography. This interactive Web site is similarly arranged and fosters a rich understanding of her innovative body of printed art, illustrating over 135 works in more than 50 comparative groupings. In the “Process” section, Smith’s creative thinking is explored through two series of evolutionary printed proofs and through video footage of the artist making prints. (leer más…)
[Autor de la entrada: Juan José Calderón Amador]